Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Short Story to Kill some time - OLD

Where to begin, that's the problem of trying to remember things when you get old, it all merges in together, one big array of blurred information without ends or beginnings.


Some time ago, long before the arrival of the travellers, war reigned across the scared and tired face of the planet. Mankind pitched against mankind, many felt ashamed of what we had become. Machines were so fully integrated into our souls that we no longer ate, instead long leads would feed us from sockets in our beds as we slept at night. It was a war against them, the ones who now bore no resemblance to our former biological soul. Machines were soon giving birth to machines, led by the worst of them all Willhelm Von Schruber these infant machines were quickly redesigned into genocidal killers.


In the north Genetics Were also very highly advanced, economic pressure forced many companies to move away from the Aust/Jap/Taiwan conglomerate that dominated the MechInt industry and pored the surplus cash into the Genßis association.

It all started harmlessly as efforts in sabotage led to the development of genetically enhanced humans dubbed the northern samurai by the media. These super humans were almost on par with the destructive ability of the machines. Though faster and more reliable they suffered in their ability repel attacks as they had very little armour.


The Von Schruber Killing machines were soon discovered mercilessly killing

communities in remote 3"

4 world countries by a squad of training Samurai in



The revised United Nations immediately sought the services of hundreds of newborn samurai from the Genesis Company. Conveniently for the genesis association the head of the United Nations was a clone made by them. After the war of 30 years it was thought that a constant and stable Head of the UN would promote a better symbol of world peace. So every four years the people over at Genesis would manipulate the DNA of the Head to become slightly more sympathetic to the ways of the association

As soon as the first shipment of samurai had arrived they were dispatched south in a fleet of Silent running submarines. Wrecking the costal defences on the east cost of Australia they opened the way for the brunt of the invasion, unfortunately Intelligence had made the mistake assuming the largest force would be stationed outside their (at the time) largest manufacturing facility. Instead bulk of the MechInt force had been moved under water over to New Zealand ready to obliterate an already tired and worn down RUN Army.

The war raged across many countries and lasted many years until onde day they arrived. By the thousands swarms of Alien crafts arrived in our atmosphere and positioned themselves over both MechInt and Genesis/RUN bases across the globe.

Impervious to any attack that anyone on Earth could muster they soon began sending out a message via most common radio bands that should the fighting continue they would be forced fo end the earths suffering and destroy them all. Afier about six months the aliens had the two leaders sitting (or in the case of Von Schruber, parked)  

opposite each other. The CEO of the Genesis Association now replaced the RUN head and Von Schruber was after extensive modifications entirely machine.

A Treaty was signed under threat from the Travellers ultimation and the clean up of the planet began.

Nowadays there is very little left of the scaring to be seen on the face of our planet other than in the areas of remembrance. We all live in large slayscrapers with droids to watch over our safety and the safety of our planet. Anyone who breaks the law is dealt with by the droids themselves, no other form of law enforcement exists and we are officially weaponless.

The Plan was perfect except that the Travellers couldn't ween the most basic of human emotions out of our bodies. Our instinct to fight to be free.


So here we are standing on the top floor of my Highscraper and I'm talking to you, someone I don't even know and most probably will never see. Below me is the street and the ocean of flycars that are all controlled and driven by our eternal keepers, the droids. I can't even read the literature I want because Tom Sawver illustrates people in uncomfortable situations that might make the reader upset.


Hell I can't even cook my own meal because I might burn myself, they even test the temperature before I'm allowed to place it in my mouth.


Years ago there was a rebellion people turned against the droids long after the Travellers left. We were defeated, the droids gassed the Rebels and operated on them. when they came out of the hospital they were unnaturally happy, and supportive of the keepers. Now we had to fight for the right to be allowed to be sad. as wello to do wo we Behind me the Droids are cutting down the door to "save" me. I've had enough, and well I should be I'm 458 years old. The history I know is now forgotten the droids banned it all. When diego does the history with it. The droids think I'm defective it's not my fault that I'm enhanced. My DNA is the best left in the world. I'm going now good bye I've seen it all. The have broken through the door now, my defensive laser won't hold them back for very much longer. When I jump my body wont hit the ground they will catch it before then but I will die ill stop breathing and they wont have time to start me again. We are a fairway up here you know. Besides my better body needs more air to survive. Goodbye

This was written ages ago - I found it in a file that I kept stories in.

Here is the hard copy.